Monday, June 20, 2011

Absorption Chiller

Solar air-conditioning is less well known application of solar energy, but one that has the ability to use a wide range. May use solar heat to cool the house seems like a contradictory institution, but with so many potential uses in their homes today, especially those in dry climates such as deserts.

P There are both active (using fans, pumps, or blowers) and employments passive solar for Milan. Other impurities in the ventilation of the family p solar powered swamp coolers and electric power using solar energy.


P There are two main types of active solar air conditioning coolers absorption of solar energy, solar cooling systems dried.

    * The use of absorption chillers for solar thermal solar collectors to absorb solar heat, which in turn contain a mixture separates capacity and cooling fluids. Once separated, the refrigerant is condensed and evaporated in the cold air which is then sent to the House. Is absorbed in the refrigerant and the cycle repeats. There is a need for high-temperature systems for the operation of absorption, which provides a kind of collector solar thermal energy necessary to do so - usually evacuated tube collectors focus. There is a need for a high percentage of sunlight a day to make it truly effective, and even complementary (with traditional systems), the source of cooling.
    * Dried using solar cooling process by passing warm air over the wet, "dried Wheel," which contains the dryers solid that absorbs moisture from the air and cooling it efficaciously. This is then sent by air-cooling fans in the house to supplement the cooling loads. P dryers and dried and then re-use of solar heat and the process is repeated. Dried systems capable of levels of function astatine temperature less than their capacity. There is a new type of dry cooling - using a liquid rather than solid-dryers - is now in the market penetration of specialized solar cooling.
    * Evaporation coolers or swamp coolers and other new technology. Has long been used to cool homes in hot and dry like the desert Southwest and the Middle East. Simply put, warm air through the wet bar that they are platforms, and cause water to evaporate, cooling the air that effectively passes through. And then blow the air in this country. P swamp coolers are not effective just like conventional air conditioners, especially in areas with humid climates, but much less use of electricity to run. This fact made them the leading candidate for solar power, which can be used to run motors and fans involved.


Air conditioning built passive solar home design. Most commonly this comes in the form of a cooling tower solar, or solar chimney. On his face to the south of the house of your solar chimney, which is glazed on the south side to absorb solar radiation. This will be linked to the chimney inside the house through a hole in the high point in the inner wall. Heat generated in the solar chimney, which naturally wants to rise higher, creating a rising trend, which draws air out of the house.

At the other end of the house is astatine vent low point, and are usually tied to a large pipe that runs under the ground (about 6-12 feet deep) away from the house, which dates back to the surface. Is pulling air into the pipes (by way of updraft generated by the solar chimney) and cooled by geothermal and consistent with the relatively cold before it is absorbed in the house, cooling the air within the ocean,

SOLAR Ventilation:

While technically a non-solar air conditioning application, can be solar-powered attic gable vents and have a significant impact on the needs of home cooling. Without the need for power cords or draw the grid, and solar vents help maintain the flow of air across the attic, and prevent the trap warm air and thus increase the flow of air around the house, as well as help extend the life of the building and the roof.

The cost of the Wall:

The biggest obstacle, especially to active solar cooling systems, and upfront costs. Even at its best, solar air conditioning systems that meet only the best astatine about half of the house and cooling, according to the Department of Energy. Therefore, they were largely relegated to large commercial applications because it can make the most difference on a large scale. Still, as technology improves and innovation offer the solar industry, and we expect to have some significant and positive impact on the solar air-conditioning as well.

What exactly do not know about the refrigerant? If you have one or plan on buying one then you should know a little information to help understand them better. If you have a cold now and then it is important to understand what kind you have and how to maintain it. If you plan to buy one then it is important to understand them so you can buy one occasion and I also know what is on the maintenance unit.

Herman coil used parts refrigeration Nelson p to remove heat from the air or hot liquids. They are usually made of good conductors of heat and electricity such as copper. Operations involving vapor pressure p, and assimilation and absorption. Used to cut some of the processes cooling coils for cooling. These processes identify two types of cooling coils are available in the market. In the first process, steam is compressed into a liquid and turned to ice. In the second case, the use of water and certain chemicals to achieve a chilling effect.

The radiator is a device that removes heat from the liquid, usually water, through the absorption of the vapor pressure or cycle infrigidation. And used for refrigerant cooling air and water in a variety of areas, such as sites of major industrial and commercial facilities, institutional buildings and even. It can also take advantage of these machines refusing to heat to heat the water where necessary, such as Canada's cold climate. This requirement to provide some basic information about how to chillers and process steam pressure, which cools the water.

Many people are familiar with flat panel monitors on the roofs of buildings to provide solar heating. However, there is a solution more efficient and cost-effective solar power and called capacitors. This parabolic systems that track the sun and the molded p produces a lot of heat energy. P they are better than flat plates because they do not cause stagnation temperature and track their capabilities. The best solar concentrator is manufactured by Power Systems SolarTron. Even create their system of 13kW thermal heat per hour, and the tracking system's patent-pending.
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